Healing Journeys.

We create the optimal healthcare experience by balancing the heart and the mind of visitors through wayfinding.


Wayfinding for Healthcare

Hospitals and other healthcare environments house opposite extremes: human care (nurses) and cutting-edge technologies (medical specialists). When intelligent information systems are combined with empathetic elements such as light, color, and architecture, these two extremes can harmonize and truly connect people with spaces and places.

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Amsterdam UMC - Connecting people with spaces and places

Navigating Complexity in Healthcare

Amsterdam UMC — Amsterdam, location AMC

Photography: Reinier de graaf

With more than 37 years of experience

we have worked on a wide range of Healthcare projects



Academisch Medisch Centrum, NL
Noordwest Ziekenhuis, NL
Dijklander Ziekenhuis, NL
Meander Medisch Centrum, NL
Zuyderland Ziekenhuis, NL
UMC Groningen, NL
Erasmuc MC, NL



Atlant Mental Health Institute Apeldoorn, NL
Northwest Healthcare Properties, DE



CBG new standard medicine leaflet


Let's talk Healthcare.


We help your healthcare spaces facilitate healing journeys. Lessening stress and supporting the patients and medical staff is what drives us.



Contact us